Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Focus Orbitrap LC-MS/MS System

Enables highly selective quantitative and qualitative analysis in a single affordable system

Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Focus Orbitrap LC-MS/MS System
Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Focus Orbitrap LC-MS/MS System. Photo: BMM

Thermo Scientific™ IQ-X Tribrid Mass Spectrometer

Cluster Chemistry
Field Analytical Chemistry
Technology Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Equipment/Service Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Focus Orbitrap LC-MS/MS System
Additional Features Metabolomics Analysis, Untargeted Analysis, Targeted Analysis
Organism or Sample Source All



The Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Focus hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer democratizes high-resolution accurate mass analysis and enables highly selective quantitative and qualitative analysis in a single affordable system.



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